Sunday, July 26, 2015

Photography Challenge #1

  1. Selfie
  2. OOTD (complete school uniform? :P) 
  3. Foodie (remember the slanted information?)
  4. Throwback (Old Stuff)
  5. Something/Someone that makes you smile
  6. Favorite teacher (better if stolen or take a selfie with him/her)
  7. Favorite spot in the school
  8. Best Buddy in school
  9. Silhouette
  10. Nature (like sunset/sunrise)

Friday, July 24, 2015

Photography Club members

Grade Four
1. Pia Venice Romagos
2. Jiya Racal
Grade Five
3. Troy Axle Aguila
4. Ethenei Gwen Garcia
5. Kenneth Christopher Yape
6. Matthew Fredrik Luna
7. Hiroki Kojima
8. Vince Ashanti Arguelles
Grade Six
9. Sophia Therese Santos
10. Ronna Therese Mateo
11. Hee Su Lee
12. Peter August Luster
Grade Seven
13. Alliah Castro
14. Nicole Arguelles
Grade Eight
15. Grizelda Ganaban
Grade Nine
16. Kyle Jerwin Nicolas
Grade Ten
17. Yuki Onari

GROUP CODE: wstv33

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Reflecting on the Natural Approach

Natural approach aims to teach the second language in the classroom setting with more emphasis on the communication than the grammar. Since this method is developed by Stephen Krashen and Tracy Terell, we can associate this method with Krashen’s monitor model.
            I think it is associated with the Input Hypothesis which is concerned with the acquisition rather than the learning. The Natural approach values the fluency rather than the accuracy. When the students engage in meaningful conversations, they can acquire the language. The natural approach and the input hypothesis believe the learners will improve by understanding the messages or by receiving the comprehensible input.
            Krashen’s ideas may also apply in the situation where I am teaching. I’m teaching in an international school. The classroom is composed of students with different L1. English is the common language among us. Although most of them are native speakers of English, some of their classmates use English as their second language or as their foreign language.
            I found out that the most applicable for my students is the affective filter hypothesis. It is important that the students are highly motivated in order to acquire the knowledge. When the teacher gives them some praises, their self-confidence is being boosted. Another factor is the manner of correcting. When the students know that they will not be criticized when they make mistakes, their level of anxiety will be lesson. These situations can lead to better understanding of the language.

            Among the five main hypothesis of Krashen’s theory on SLA, I think that I will have a hard time in applying the input hypothesis. The input hypothesis claims that people acquire language best from messages that are just slightly beyond their current competence. I believe that in my classroom setting, the students don’t have the same level of competence. Of course the native speakers have an edge compared to their Japanese or Korean classmate. It is a challenge for me to design the learning activities that will be fair for my students.  

Monday, July 20, 2015

The Adventures of English

             Honestly, I don’t have a background of the development of English. My undergrad course is BS Development Communication. I just took 18 units of Professional Education to be qualified to take the LET.  Watching this series really gave me an idea about the development of English.
            Thank God for holiday, I was able to do a marathon of this series. I’m not a fan of history but I swear, I tried my best not to sleep to understand the documentary. I know that it will really help me to understand the structure of English.
            The series explained that the development of English is influenced by the historical events. Romans invaded the Britain. The Goths kick out Romans. Picts and Scots from Ireland attacked the Britons. Angles, Saxons, and other German settlers arrive in Britain to assist the Britons and claim the territory. The invaders who speak West Germanic dialect established many of the essential characteristics of the English language. Studying the literary text would really help us in order to understand how the language has been developed. At the same time, knowing the history can also help us understand the literary texts better.   
 There was also discrimination among the languages. Like for example, they say that French is the language of the elite; Old English is the language of the common people; and Latin is the language of the people in academe or church.
            I am also fascinated about the difference of American and British English. Besides some spelling discrepancies, they also have different terms for a certain thing. British use lift instead of elevator. They live in a flat instead of apartment. It’s amazing that they use different terms for things yet they understand each other.
            For the past years, many dictionaries were published. English is now a worldwide language. The native speakers, the second language users and the foreign language users may have some differences in the way they use the English language but what important is that they are able to communicate with each other.
            There are different kinds of English language. For me, fluency is more important than the accuracy of using the language. Using the English language will make it more dynamic. I believe that the English language will continue developing and it will not end up like Latin. 

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Comprehension of Informational Text

Explanation of the Chart:
      The first figure shows the five basic patterns of informational texts: sequence or time order, listing or description, compare and contrast, cause-effect, and problem-solution pattern. Students are having a hard time to recognize these patterns because some authors combine patterns and some organizational patterns maybe spread over several paragraphs.
      To address the problem, I put an arrow to the second figure that shows the strategies for helping students read informational text independently. The strategies can be Using Read-Alouds with Grade-Level Text, Content-Free Questions, Text Coding, Discussion Cards, Topic-Detail-Main Idea Strategy, Think-Aloud Strategy, and Question-Answer Relationships.
      Students must not only understand the informational texts, but they also have to memorize what they read to discuss it and pass the test. This leads to figure three that shows the strategies on how to transform these texts into a form that can easily be remembered (visual diagrams). When students construct a diagram, they can actively process the information. They will be able to recognize the important information. The use of main idea grid and idea mapping is a great way to transform informational texts.
Personal Reflection:
This week, I taught my students about the types of sentence according to purpose. For my grade school students, I taught them the basic elements of narrative texts. On the other hand, my high school students were assigned to study some descriptive, narrative, persuasive and expository texts. I can see that they need to work more with the informational or expository texts.
I can say that all of my students know how to read but few of them can really make sense of what they’ve read. When a child knows how to read, we call them literate. For me, content literacy is better. It is important that they have the ability to read and comprehend at the same time.
Narrative texts, which can be fiction or non-fiction, are used in language subjects like English and Filipino. In contrast, subjects like Science and Social Studies use informational and expository texts. After reading those texts, the teachers expect the students to answer some assignment or participate in the class discussion. Students are really having a hard time in that kind of method.
Knowing the strategies for helping students read informational text is essential not only for the language teachers but also for the teachers in other content areas. It should always be student-centered so that they can use it on their own.
Now that I understand the Informational Text, Grade-Level Competence and the Common Core Standards in reading. My dream to be a textbook author still goes on. I will be an author who will make these informational text “easy to digest” by the students. 

Friday, July 17, 2015

The Three Interactive Elements of Reading

Explanation of the Ice cream chart:
            Three scoops of ice cream were used to illustrate the three interactive elements of reading. As seen in the image, the scoops were positioned next to each other. It shows that the three elements are interrelated.
            The strawberry ice cream represents the reader. Knowing the prior knowledge, misconceptions and the teaching strategies of the reader is essential in teaching reading. Teachers have a big role in helping the students to recognize and change their misconceptions about the topic or subject they are reading. The teachers also need to motivate students to learn and practice reading strategies.
            The chocolate ice cream represents the climate. The climate affects the students’ attitude towards learning. The role of the teachers is to create a classroom climate that is conducive for learning. In our handout, the National Research Council (NRC) described an effective learning environment into four dimensions: learner-centered, knowledge-centered, assessment-centered, and community-centered.
            The vanilla ice cream represents the text features. Vocabulary improvement is important in reading across the subject areas. Having an existing schema or mental framework about the topic can help the students understand more about the text they are reading. Moreover, it is also essential to consider the text style that includes the text structure, text coherence, and audience appropriateness.
            It is important to know the three elements (reader, climate, and text features) because they affect the reading comprehension of the learners.

Reflection as a Teacher and Student
            People expect the English teachers only to teach reading. It gives me pressure knowing that I also have to teach the students the other macro-skills like writing, listening, speaking, and viewing. Our selection is refreshing. It gave me some ideas on how to collaborate with my co-teachers so we can work together in teaching the students about reading.
            I always start reading with some questions about their prior knowledge. I want to know what they know and what their schemas about a certain topic are. After that, I help them to unlock the difficulties by teaching some vocabulary words before reading the actual selection. That is my routine every time we read. I am surprised that the teachers of other content areas can also apply that method.
            The teachers have a great role in motivating students to read. The classroom climate depends on the beliefs, attitude and values. It is important the teachers know the teaching strategies to teach the students to read with comprehension.
            As a student who studies the how to teach English Language Teaching, I believe that this selection really gave me many teaching strategies in reading. The challenge now is to apply these teaching strategies in my classroom as well as the classroom of the colleagues. 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Reminders for July 20

English 4

  • Memorize the first three stanzas of the poem "All things bright and beautiful"

English 5

  • Answer the seatwork at Edmodo

Filipino 7

  • Mag aral para sa Written Work #1 
    • Kuwentong Bayan
    • Manik Buangsi
    • Pangungusap Ayon sa Layon

Filipino 8

  • Ipasa ang takdang aralin sa Edmodo

Filipino 9

  • Sagutan ang pahina 14-15
  • Magbigay ng halimbawa ng mga Tambalang Salita

Dont forget your 1/8 index cards with 1x1 or 2x2 picture

Content and Language Integrated Learning

The figure illustrates a Venn diagram showing the integration of the Content-based Instruction and the Second Language Teaching. It assists students to identify the link between ideas and processes within separate fields.

            It’s my third year of teaching language. I believe that Content Based Instruction (CBI) has always been integrated with Second Language Teaching (SLT). I’ve always used different contents in order to sustain the interests of my students and at the same time, teach them the second language.
            According to Ticko (1985), Language Across Curriculum (LAC) is easier for primary school teachers because they are mostly self-contained. In most cases, they teach all the subjects for their class. They tend to feel more responsible to use the LAC. On the other hand, language teaching becomes the responsibility of the language teacher during their secondary school. The teachers of other subjects feel that they are not qualified to integrate other fields in their subject.
            I think it’s about time that the 21st century teachers should integrate second language teaching in their subject. Maybe the reason why teachers have to take the general education exam in the LET is to know if the teachers have the capabilities to have understanding in different fields.
            Moreover, language teachers should keep in mind that the absence of meaningful content is a danger in many communicative learning programs. Students must be exposed to a meaningful content in order to not only improve their basic interpersonal communication skills (BICS) but also their cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP). 
            In conclusion, I believe that if language teachers and non-language teachers will really have a better coordination and collaboration, the students will be able to improve their BICS and CALP.
             As a student, I really believe that being exposed to multidisciplinary approach in learning the second language teaching will really broaden my horizon. It will help me develop my full potential in the mastery of using second language in different content areas.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Reminders for July 16

English 4

  • Review Spelling List 1
  • Answer your Spelling book (page 2)

English 5

  • Review for your Written Work 1 (about prefixes and elements of a story)
  • Review Spelling List 1

Filipino 7

  • Sagutan ang Pagsulat II (pahina 14)

Filipino 8

  • Sagutan ang Pagsulat (pahina 23-24)

Filipino 9

  • Sagutan ang pahina 14-15
  • Magbigay ng halimbawa ng mga Tambalang Salita

"All Things Bright and Beautiful"

All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.

Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
He made their glowing colours,
He made their tiny wings.

The purple headed mountain,
The river running by,
The sunset and the morning,
That brightens up the sky

The cold wind in the winter,
The pleasant summer sun,
The ripe fruits in the garden,
He made them every one

The tall trees in the greenwood,
The meadows where we play,
The rushes by the water,
We gather every day;

He gave us eyes to see them,
 And lips that we might tell,
How great is God Almighty,
Who has made all things well.

"The Difference"

by Grace L. Naessens
"I got up early one morning
and rushed right into the day;
I had so much to accomplish,
I didn't have time to pray.
Problems just tumbled about me,
and heavier came each task.
Why doesn't God help me? I wondered,
He answered, "You didn't ask."
I wanted to see joy and beauty,
but the day toiled on, gray and bleak.
I wondered why God didn't show me,
He said, "But you didn't seek."
I tried to come into God's presence,
I used all my keys at the lock.
God gently and lovingly chided,
"My child, you didn't knock."
I woke up early this morning,
and paused before entering the day.
I had so much to accomplish
That I had to take time to pray."

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Photography Club Activities

Here are the things you'll learn this July

History of Photography
Purposes of Photography

Qualities of a Good Photograph
Basic Parts of a Camera

Kinds of Camera Lens
Major Types of Camera

Kinds of Exposure
Action Photography

Friday, July 10, 2015

Reminders for July 13

English 4
  • Read "How Rice Became Known" page 10-12
  • Answer "Think it over" page 12
  • Bring your dictionary on Monday
English 5
  • Read "Two were left"  page 11-13
  • Answer "Think it over" page 13
  • Bring a picture of you and your pet on Monday
Filipino 7
  • Sagutan ang "Paglinang ng Talasalitaan" pahina 5
  • Sagutan ang "Pang-unawa sa Binasa" pahina 6-7
  • Sagutan ang "Pagpapahalaga" pahina 8
Filipino 8
  • Sagutan ang "Pang-unawa sa Binasa" pahina 11-14
  • Sagutan ang "Pagpapahalaga" pahina 14
Filipino 9
  • Be ready for your presentation on Monday
We don't have classes on Friday! 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Monday, July 6, 2015

Happy Birthday Kenny!

Kenny celebrated his birthday last Friday!

His classmates really enjoyed eating the pizza.
Boys' table
Girls' table
Can you guess who enjoyed the most?

Happy Birthday Kenny!

Thursday, July 2, 2015


Today, we started to have our practice for the Bible Month presentation on August.

My talented students were very excited during our brainstorming. They even volunteered to play some instruments.

Since they are half day, I spent the afternoon dancing alone in the classroom. I did the choreography and mixing of the songs that we're going to use. I never thought I can use my "hidden" skills in my class. :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


These wonderful kids colored their lollipops for the birthday corner!

And this young man asked me to take a pic of him. :)

I'll post the birthday corner in my classroom soon.