Friday, October 16, 2015

Autumn 2015

Few years from now, I'm going to read this blog. I'll tell myself how blessed I am to have this kind of workload and a reasonable salary. God's grace is sufficient. He never fails to amaze me. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

12 types of students during Teachers Day

    1.The student with sweet lola

Dear Teacher Karla,
Thank you for teaching us and thank you also for the stamps and for the one who received the loom band kit. My lola said you are pretty.

 2. The student who makes a caricature of the teacher

Dear Teacher Karla,
Thank you for showing us that you love us, even though we are naughty! :P LOL!
Thank you for teaching us Filipino and English, even we are noisy! :P LOL again!

3. The student who loves colors

Dear Teacher Karla,
Thank you for teaching me everything that I don't know yet.
Sorry if sometimes I get low scores.
I just want to say Happy Teachers Day!

4. The student who writes our lessons on the "board"

Dear T. Carla,
Thank you for teaching us English and Filipino.
Loves 1+1
From, Josh

5. The students who loves typography

Dear T. Karla,
Thank you so much for teaching us
and sorry if we are so makulit in class
but always remember
Grade 5 loves you.

6. The student who makes your name pop up

7. The student who puts effort in making borders

Dear Teacher Karla,
Thank you for teaching us with love.
You are the best teacher ever!
Thank you teaching us so much that
we are having high grades.
Happy Teachers Day.
I love you!
Love, Rona

8. The student who keeps it short and simple

Dear T. Karla,
Thank you for teaching me and my friends.
You are a great teacher.
From: Andrew

9. The student who knows how to make her teacher smile

Dear Teacher Karla,
Thank you for being such a good teacher. I really like you
because even though you are already 21 years old,
you still look so young, pretty, and
you can relate in our stories.
Teacher, you are very good, kind, and fun.
I hope you could still be our adviser next school year!

10. The student who makes a pop up version of the teacher

Dear teacher Karla,
Thank you for the lessons you teach us
and happy teachers day

11. The students who have the same message

Thank you for teaching us vocabulary, compound nouns,
behaving and others, I hope your life will be awesome.
God bless!
Love, Paupau & Dianne :)

12.The student who incorporates your lessons 

(Write Cursive)
matthew fredrick d. luna
was very good a playing basket ball.
ANSWER Before Open
From: matt
to: t. Karla
13. The student who greets you verbally because s/he is too lazy to make a card ;)

Sunday, October 11, 2015

WIS Teachers Day

It was a normal day at school. We had classes in the morning. The Student Council asked us to go to the cafeteria because they prepared lunch for us.
 After the pizza lunch, they asked us to change clothes (hmmm!). We were asked to go to the assembly hall. Students gave special numbers and sweet messages to us. 

They grouped us randomly into two. An amazing race was organized by the students. :) 

We ran! (Bibo teachers)

I can still remember running in skirt. HAHAHA!  

We had to shoot a ball. (I can only shoot when it's graded! LOL )

and some more balls! This is like beer pong, without a beer! :P

They prepared a lot of stations!

We solved math problems! ^^, 

and puzzles!

The teachers really enjoyed the games.


They gave us some prizes too.

The event ended by a flash mob.

I'll make another post about the presents I received from my sweet grade 5 students. <3

JCS Teachers Day

It started with a cupcake and a note. I know this day would be different. 
I went to their classroom. Some students blindfolded me. It was the start of an amazing race. Two students guided me to go down the stairs. We went to different stations. I was asked to eat something, to dance (HAHAHA), and  to answer some questions. I found myself in the covered court after several stations. They removed my blindfold and a video presentation played. 
 I was really touched by their effort. These kids spent time in making the Teachers Day very special. I felt that all my efforts were appreciated. This day is one of my best days in Jabez Christian School.

After the short program, I went back to the faculty room and saw some sweets in my table. My kids really know how to make me feel special. 
Among all these gifts, this medal really inspired me to be the "best teacher" for them.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Teachers Day

It's my first time to "celebrate" Teachers Day outside the country. Well, I didn't actually celebrated it. I just stayed at home because it was my day off. I washed some clothes, and cleaned my place. While cleaning, I saw some letters from my former students. Reading those letters made me feel how sweet it is to be a teacher.
Thanks Crizzy!

It's not the spelling nor the grammar, It's the thought that counts. :">  I have some students who never get tired of reminding me that I'm pretty (even at my haggard moments). It feels so good to be loved by them. 

Thanks Ysa!
I'm glad  that my students know that I don't dislike them. I really love being with them. I treat them as my babies or younger siblings. As much as possible, I want them to enjoy the learning activities in class. 

The greetings meant a lot for me. I'm thankful that my former students remembered to greet me. :">

I'll make another post about my experience in the Philippines during Teachers Day.